Catherine Robinson

Catherine is currently on a wait list.
To make a booking, email her at [email protected]
Catherine helps people understand anxiety, identity, personal boundaries, and values. She focuses on identifying unhelpful behaviour patterns and healing from pain.
Works with people to understand anxiety and overwhelm; identity and personal boundaries; understanding and reconnecting to your values; identifying unhelpful patterns of behaviour; and healing from pain.

Catherine is an AASW registered accredited social worker (MSW) with experience working with sexual health; anti-violence; and families, children, and adolescents. She uses a combination of approaches to help ‘co-research’ the problems you’re experiencing and find ways of naming, understanding, and changing the situation.

Often people have intentions and goals that they are moving toward, but there are many bumps in the road which have them circling back into old habits or problematic ways of being. Some problems can be really hard to resist in the moment. Catherine will help you look at things from different angles, uncover overlooked skills, offer up new possibilities, help you find strategies that work for you, and help you connect with what’s important to you.

Sometimes it can be really difficult to make sense of how we’re feeling – it can seem the story our brain is telling us, our emotions and our physical being is all tied up in a tangled mess. Catherine aims to offer a safe engagement where you can explore together what might be happening for you.

Catherine is qualified facilitator of ‘Tuning into Kids’ parenting program.

Catherine is committed to creating an environment that supports inclusivity and respects all people regardless of race, ethnicity, colour, culture, religion, spiritual practice, sex, age, socioeconomic status, neurodiversity, perceived or actual sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, relationship status or configuration, national origin, citizenship, or physical and mental abilities. The greatest discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences, and points of view.

How to Book​

  • Think about your goals for counselling, and which counsellor might be a good match
  • Send an email to the counsellor you’d like to work with requesting an appointment
  • In the rare event you don’t hear from your counsellor within 24 hours, please call us
  • Not sure who might be the right fit for you? Call us and we’re happy to make a recommendation

Intake Process

  • Initial appointments are $70 for individuals, or $80 for couples
  • Due to our counsellor’s busy schedules, they cannot do intakes over the phone
  • Your intake session will include discussing what supports you need, your goals for counselling, and to decide whether your counsellor is a good match for you
  • If you decide that the fit isn’t right, you can ask to be referred to someone else – no offence will be taken!

Important Notice

There are some people that our counsellors can’t work with – not because we don’t want to, but because we want you to have the best possible care.

If you currently experience domestic violence, are having a mental health crisis, are experiencing severe substance dependency issues, or other acute crises, we can’t provide you with the level of support you deserve. However, we will use your initial appointment to connect you with places that specialise in these issues, so you can get the best possible care.
All Rough Patch counsellors manage their own scheduling and administration. Click on a profile below to read more and send an email enquiry. In the rare event you don’t hear from a counsellor within 24 hours, please call us on 02 7226 0809

All of our counsellors generously reduce their usual fees to provide affordable mental healthcare to our community. They do not receive government rebates or funding to provide their services.

Meet Our Other Counsellors