How to Stop Dieting: Goodbye Diet Culture

two hands touching grass referencing connecting with nature to stop dieting

Diet culture represents a systemic framework that shapes societal attitudes toward bodies, food, and personal worth. This blogpost examines the relationship between diet culture and mental health and how to stop dieting and finally break free from diet culture.   Understanding the Roots of Diet Culture Diet culture manifests as a persuasive and insidious system […]

Do I Have Anxiety?

Spiral describing what it might feel like to have anxiety

Do I have anxiety? What does it mean? Here we cover the basics on understanding and managing anxiety.

Understanding EMDR Therapy

Two circles symbolising the eyes for EMDR therapy

Have you ever wondered what EMDR Therapy is and whether it’s right for you? We explain all the basics and what you need to know.

Beyond Body Positivity: From Body Neutrality to Body Liberation

In a world that constantly polices bodies, particularly those of marginalised communities, understanding various approaches to body image is crucial. There are many reasons why we don’t feel like we love our bodies all the time. These movements, ranging from body neutrality to body liberation, and going beyond body positivity, offer tools for navigating our […]