Article: How to Work on Your Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is important, but how can we take care of it without getting overwhelmed? To provide some inspiration, we shared a few tips with Jasmine Wallis from PEDESTRIAN.TV, which include attending to your different dimensions of wellbeing, mental resilience, finding time for yourself and practising acceptance. Read the article at:

Article: How to Support a Sober Partner

Giving up alcohol can be a challenge when drinking culture is everywhere. One might be faced with feelings of shame, guilt and worry, and changes related to their identity, relationships and lifestyle. How can you support someone going through this process? Our director Amber Rules offers some helpful tips in the article below. Read the […]

Article: The Irksome Trend of ‘Strong is the New Skinny’

Sadly, social media is still saturated with trends aimed at achieving a body image that rejects fatness. Under the guise of health and fitness, diet culture is repackaged. It continues to dominate social media spaces to promote a ‘strong’ body, which in reality is about looking lean and toned through rigorous dieting and workouts. In […]

Article: Mindful drinking at Christmas time

It is reported that 1 in 10 Australians wish to drink more mindfully during Christmas. The good news is— it’s possible! Many enjoy a drink in hand while socialising, and it is no wonder that Christmas in Australia sees a spike in alcohol consumption. However, this is also linked to the huge increase in alcohol-related […]

Article: 4 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

If you’re feeling anxious, your brain is telling you it senses danger. However, it can’t tell the difference between perceived or immediate threat, which can leave you with an unrelenting sense of dread and worry. The most common technique to calm your body down is deep breathing. If that doesn’t work, Amber Rules has shared […]

Article: Rough Patch in City Hub Sydney

We spoke to Allison at City Hub Sydney about Rough Patch and the importance of affordable counselling. Read the full article here.    Are you interested in learning more about Rough Patch or seeing one of our counsellors? Get in touch by clicking here.

Article: Managing Parental Burnout

We spoke to Kate from The Latch about parental burnout. Click to read: Validation for Parents: Your Parental Burnout Is Real (Here’s What to Do About It) To learn more about how to manage parental burnout and look after yourself, get in touch with one of our counsellors by clicking here.  

Article: Pets and Positive Mental Health

Special bonds with animals can leave positive impacts on our mental health in a multitude of ways. For many people, these deep connections can bring neurological benefits that add to mental wellness. Sometimes, these benefits can also be gained from animal assistance therapy (AAT). Amber Rules of Rough Patch, a practitioner of AAT for many […]

Article: How to Disclose Sexual Assault as a Survivor, and How to Listen as a Friend

It is not uncommon for survivors of sexual assault to keep quiet about what happened. For many valid reasons, many avoid reporting to police and might only want to tell a few trusted people. Everyone’s story is different. While there’s no single way to disclose your story of sexual assault, we worked together with Kate Evans […]

Article: Talking About Bodies in Front of Children

We could be sending damaging messages from diet culture to the children around us if we are not careful. Children learn from adults. When they hear about about how bodies should be and which foods are good or bad, their relationship with their bodies and food can become complicated and unhealthy, and even lead to […]