Article: 4 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

If you’re feeling anxious, your brain is telling you it senses danger.

However, it can’t tell the difference between perceived or immediate threat, which can leave you with an unrelenting sense of dread and worry.

The most common technique to calm your body down is deep breathing.

If that doesn’t work, Amber Rules has shared four other things you can try:

  • Move your body slowly and rhythmically
  • Expand your chest
  • Spend time in water
  • Name the feeling and respond compassionately


To learn more about these strategies, read the full article by Sangeeta Kocharekar at this link:


We're Making Some Changes

We have made the decision to transition to an online-only service delivery model.

Our online clinic will continue to offer access to valuable mental health support for individuals, couples, and families, who will be able to engage in therapy from the comfort and convenience of their own space.

As part of our transition, we will also be closing our mental health shop.